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Short stories are a for me a formalising of day dreams. I've got plenty to share so have decided to do so for free here! I'm asking that if you enjoy the story, you consider shouting me a drink or buying me dinner. Your generosity and support will not only keep the lights on but show me you're keen on hearing more. Thanks in advance.

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The Big Sit

A Long Lap of Australia on a Classic Bike

The third book featuring Penelope, one of the last single-cylinder Panther motorcycles from the Yorkshire firm of Phelon and Moore. Conquering her fifth continent took some time and as per usual resulted in many adventures. Unsupported and alone, it truly is a big sit. For more than 25,000 km Des sits and cogitates. As always his thoughts and observations are whimsical and wide ranging. … and how did the previous four continents go?

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The Ernie Diaries

A Motorcycle Adventure from London to Iran in 1973

I think that at some stage in every young person’s life, they dream of riding off into the sunset on a noisy, anti-social motorbike. Sometimes it is simply a thirst for adventure, other times it is to throw off a yoke of convention that is threatening to define … and constrict.

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The Last Hurrah Movie

Des Molloy and Dick Huurdeman look like the sort of guys who should be sedately steering a sleigh in a Santa parade, not riding old single-banger British bikes half way across the world through some of the most difficult and remote terrain imaginable. Des’s son Steve joined this intrepid pair as a cameraman and general factotum for the highs and lows of an incident-packed three-month trek from Beijing to Arnhem on ‘Penelope’, a 1965 Yorkshire-made 650cc Panther, and ‘Dutch Courage’, a 1954 Norton 600.

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Zen and The Last Hurrah

In the wheel-tracks of Robert Pirsig across back country America

With his daughter Kitty, and friend Myles they attempt to marry a modern re-enactment of Robert Pirsig’s 1968 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ride, with the American marketing of The Last Hurrah – Des’s book of riding across the world on a near-vintage UK-made Panther motorcycle. On the correct-period 1965 Honda Superhawk and R69S BMW, they follow the back-country roads of 1960’s America in the wheel-tracks of Pirsig and his friends the Sutherlands, recording their thoughts and experiences, often comparing with the bestselling philosopher.

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The Last Hurrah

Second Edition

Des Molloy and Dick Huurdeman look like the sort of guys who should be sedately steering a sleigh in a Santa parade, not riding old single-banger British bikes half way across the world through some of the most difficult and remote terrain imaginable. Des’s son Steve joined this intrepid pair as a cameraman and general factotum for the highs and lows of an incident-packed three-month trek from Beijing to Arnhem on ‘Penelope’, a 1965 Yorkshire-made 650cc Panther, and ‘Dutch Courage’, a 1954 Norton 600.

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Tales and Trails Down Under

Following on from his highly successful The Long And Winding Aotearoa, George is at it again. This time George rides Percy, his trusty Kawasaki KLR650 around Australia interviewing 18 interesting and diverse characters. As always George shares the secrets of his soul, entertaining and informing as he does the ‘Big Lap’. Much more than a bike travel book, this is a read for everyone.

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No One Said it Would be Easy

A youthful folly across The Americas on old bikes

This is not a travel book … not a biography, nor a book of social or historical commentary. This is a reflective record of a boisterous adventure of substance. Deep down, most young people want to jump on a motorbike and ride off into the sunset, to places unknown. Sadly, for most, these aspirations remain only dreams. Our protagonists lived out that dream. We all have pasts, just some are bigger and more excessive than others.

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February 5, 2024

Promote or stagnate

‘Real’ authors have an agent and a publishing house behind them. The publishing house will of course have all the necessary people to produce a book – planners, editors, proof-readers, graphic designers, wholesalers, distributors and possibly the most important … a publicist. This publicist goes about their job shouting from the rooftops telling all how good you and your books are. It is of course their job and their competence can have a bearing on the success of your book.

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April 26, 2023


So my fourth book is out! Yes, in print and also available in digital form as either PDF or ePub. I’m a paper man myself but about 25% of books sold are digital so a chunk of the market not to be ignored. Your money, your choice!

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Blue Smoke and Pedals

This is something I wrote for Bike Rider Magazine about a recent fun event I organised. “They’re nothing but blue smoke and pedals!” would have been an oft-uttered refrain In the 1950s by riders of ‘proper’ bikes when disparagingly referring to the spindly two-wheeled devices ridden by the less-than-affluent.

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